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The Rock, formerly known as "Little Rock" Church of God by Faith was organized in June 1945 in the home of Elder Roy and Mother Jeanette Campbell, at 4106 31st Street, Tampa, FL. As the Lord blessed, the church was able to purchase the two lots at 3201 E. Genesee Street; where it is presently located. On February 16, 1946, the church began services in a tent. Weekly services were held every Tuesday and Thursday night.


After six years of tent services the construction of Little Rock had finished and the church was dedicated on the second Sunday in September 1952.


Some of the early founding elders and pastors were Elder Copeland, Elder H.K. Charles, Elder Charley Giles, Elder Theodore Brown, Elder Herbert Green, Elder Robert Evans and Elder Collis M. Fogle.


In 1971, Elder Albert Landers, Jr. was appointed as pastor. Under his leadership, the church prospered both spiritually and financially. The roots took a firmer grip and the church began to grow. A mortgage was acquired and renovations began in the late 1970’s. During this time, the church was given the name “Little Rock” because of its soundness in doctrine, teaching and leadership. The church was rededicated on September 14, 1980.


On August 15, 1984 the church purchased a third lot adjacent to the parking lot. The Lord poured out his grace and the church purchased five acres at 4323 E. Henry Avenue in order to build a future sanctuary as the vision given to Elder Landers and orchestrated by the hand of God.


Down through the years, the Lord blessed this great church spiritually with the guidance of the late Elder Albert Landers, Jr.  Elder Landers was a man of great character and integrity, who worked to save souls and enrich the church with his wisdom. His legacy and vision lives within the church and in the present pastor, Elder James E. Williams. Elder James E. Williams was handed the baton and received it with obedience and grace when appointed in December 2007 as Pastor of Little Rock Church of God by Faith and Superintendent of the Tampa West Coast District.


In mid 2012, the church began to refer to Little Rock as The Rock. The Rock is in representation of a firm foundation. In January 2013, a new sanctuary was dedicated at 4323 E. Henry Avenue. In the foundation lay the bibles of the late Dr. Elder Albert Landers, Jr. and the present pastor, Elder James E. Williams. The church is now and henceforth refered to as "The Rock" for the Word of God says "And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" Matthew 16:18.


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